Simple and compliant invoicing with Peppol

E-invoicing in Croatia

If you need to send invoices to the Croatian government you are required to use e-invoicing.

Find out how e-invoicing works in Croatia and send your first invoice in a few minutes.

Croatia Glavni Kolodvor

E-invoicing requirements in Croatia

Legal obligations

E-invoicing in Croatia is mandatory for B2G. This includes submitting, receiving and processing e-invoices.

There is no obligation yet for business-to-business. It is, however, very likely that this will change in the near future.

Options for sending e-invoices to Croatia

There are 2 ways to send an e-invoice to the Croatian government or to a private company:

  1. All e-invoices concerning the government must go through the public portal Servis eRačun za državu (FINA). This platform is connected to Peppol. Public purchases and contracting authorities receive e-invoices via FINA.

    Invoices sent via the official portal FINA must be signed with an electronic signature or digital certificate and uploaded in PDF format.

  2. Billit Peppol Access Point: if you register directly on an access point, you are not required to sign your e-invoices digitally.

    With a tool like Billit, you can create and send your invoices within the same platform without uploading them. Registering on the Peppol network and sending your first e-invoice only takes a few minutes.
Peppol & E-invoicing Schedule

How to send e-invoices to Croatia

If you want to send e-invoices via Peppol you only have to register on an official Peppol Access Point.

Follow the steps below to register on the Billit Access Point and send your first invoice.

Step 1

Create a Billit account

  • Create your free trial account using the button below.
  • Enter your company information in the 'My company' tab.
  • Through the menu item 'My Profile' you can further complete your company details.
Billit - Create Account
Step 2

Create a customer

  • Click on 'Customers' in the menu on the left and click the '+add' button
  • Fill in your customer's details
  • In the section 'invoicing address' set the country to 'Croatia'
  • Enter the VAT number of your customer. This is the OIB number preceded by 'HR'. If you don't know your customer's VAT number, you can find it in this database.
  • You can also add the OIB number. Click the '+' button next to 'VAT' to add the OIB field.
    Some public entities register on Peppol with their VAT number, others with the OIB number. If you are not sure what number is used, you can add both.
Billit - Dashboard
Step 3

Create & send invoice

  • Go to the income tab to create your first invoice and click the '+Add' button
  • In the customer field, select the customer you've just created
  • Fill in the rest of your invoice and click 'create invoice' to finalize
  • Click the 'Send' button to see all sending options
  • Billit will automatically recognize if your customer is connected to Peppol. Click the green 'Send via Peppol' button to send your invoice
Billit - Create Invoice

Why use Peppol?

Peppol is a secure and closed network with many advantages:

Safely exchange sensitive financial data

The identity of everyone affiliated with the network is verified, so you can be sure that the invoices you receive are genuine, and you avoid invoice fraud.

Automate your invoicing process

The invoices you send through the network are completely digital, so you can process them automatically in your invoicing software.

Avoid retyping data

E-invoices in the UBL standard are automatically read correctly. This prevents human error during processing.

Gain more financial insight

Linking to your bank account means that outgoing and incoming invoices are automatically matched and you get a better overview of your company's financial situation.

Send invoices quickly

Peppol is fast: your recipient will receive your invoice within 10 minutes of sending it. Combined with automatic processing, this will save a lot of time.

What is Peppol?

Peppol is an open network for securely sending and receiving business documents such as invoices. It is designed to simplify the purchase-to-pay process between governments and suppliers. Peppol was developed by the European commission but is on its way to become a global standard.

More info about Peppol

Which identifiers are being used in Croatia?

There are many kinds of identifiers for sending invoices via Peppol. Find out the difference between each option below.

Type Description Example
OIB number An 11-digit enterprise number for companies. It works as a unique ID and allows other entrepreneurs to safely look up information about companies they do business with. You are required to mention this ID on your invoices. 12345678910
VAT number A unique identification number for entrepreneurs liable to VAT. It should be included on each invoice to customers. A Croatian VAT number starts with HR, followed by 11 digits. These are the same as the OIB number, preceded by 'HR'. HR12345678910
GLN Stands for Global Location Number. It is used by companies to identify their locations, such as legal entities, functions and physical or digital locations. You can request a GLN number with GS1. 5488888010598
DUNS D-U-N-S stands for Data Universal Numbering System and is a 9-digit code to identify a company or business entity. It is a unique number worldwide. 123456789
Connect to the Billit Access Point, with or without your own software

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