Innovations and modifications

Release notes


Cash book - New module 

  • New cash book module has been added. A cash book is a chronological financial record of all the cash transactions of a business involving cash receipts and cash disbursements. It is similar to a bank account but with cash transactions. The entries of a digital cash book cannot be changed.
  • Activate this feature via Settings. Enabling the cash book feature will replace the 'Bank' menu with the 'Financial' menu which includes both Cash book and Bank.


  • EOL - API Connection for LU: the platform now supports an EOL - API connection for Luxembourg
  • HORUS - API Connection for LU: the platform now supports a HORUS - API connection for Luxembourg

Income / Expenditure 

  • PDF Preview: the header of the pdf viewer is now a lot smaller


  • Report invoices: orders containing numbers and punctuation marks were not correctly displayed in the report. ("." and "/" are now displayed correctly in the report)