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Time registration

  • Time registration outside of Billit

    Billit is not a CRM software with time registration options but you can connect with different CRM packages (such as Teamleader, Robaws or Visma Bouwsoft) or use a Billit integration to convert time registration to your invoices.

    • Toggl (via Zapier): Toggl (Track) is a popular software tool for time registration. There is currently no direct connection between Toggl and Billit. You can use Zapier (an automating tool) to connect Billit with Toggl. Both the free and paid versions of Toggl are available to automatically generate invocies in Billit.

    • Clockify (via Zapier): Clockify is a popular software tool for time registration. There is currently no direct connection between Clockify and Billit. You can use Zapier (an automating tool) to connect Billit with Clockify. Both the free and paid versions of Clockify are available to automatically generate invocies in Billit.

    • Outsmart: Outsmart is a solution to manage your field service hours based on work orders. You can also use Outsmart for your time registration and invoices.