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Processing files in Fast Input

  • VAT rates for expenditure invoices (BE)

    This help article provides an overview of the various VAT rates that you can choose when importing purchase invoices into Billit. For each rate, you'll find a brief explanation of when the rate applies and how to use it. If you're unsure about a particular rate, want to know all the details and/or exceptions regarding a specific scheme, or have questions about processing certain VAT rates in your accounting, please contact your accountant; as a tax expert, they can certainly assist you further.

    Billit's OCR detects the different VAT rates on your invoice automatically during import. If this doesn't happen, you can manually add the correct rate.

    When processing your invoice, select the VAT rate at the top right. This percentage will be applied to the order lines below. If certain parts of the invoice require a different percentage, you can adjust this per line.

    • Domestic 21%-12%-6%

    The standard rates in Belgium. When you select this rate 21% will be selected automatically. If you want a different option such as 12 or 6% you can choose this in the order line.

    Choose the correct (or most frequent) rate for your invoice under 'VAT'. You can also set a standard VAT rate for a supplier in their supplier profile.

    • VAT co-contractor or VAT reverse charge

    This system applies to works carried out for immovable property (for professional purposes), from painting to constructing parking lots. In that case the contractor - your supplier - will not invoice VAT but you as a customer need to declare the VAT; this means the VAT is reverse-charged.

    • Miscellaneous outside of VAT

    This concerns items that should not be included in the VAT return, such as returned empties.

    • Intra-community goods and services

    When purchasing a good or supplying a service between two VAT-registered parties in different EU countries, under certain conditions the delivery can be exempted from VAT (in the case of goods) or the VAT can be transferred to you as a customer (in the case of services).

    • Import-Export

    When you import goods from outside the EU you don't need to pay VAT, on the condition that the goods actually leave the EU.

    • Import-Export outside EU

    Choose this rate for transactions where the taxable part should only appear in rosters 81, 82 or 83 of the VAT declaration.

    • Margin for second hand goods

    Thanks to this regulation, the seller has to charge VAT only on the gross profit margin, and not on the full amount you have to pay as a customer. The invoice may be split into a part on which you have to pay VAT or not. VAT must be paid only on the difference between the purchase and sale price. Ask your accountant about the conditions for this rate.