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Connect Billit with Mini Hotel

  • How to use the connection between Billit and Mini Hotel

    Step 1: Open Mini Hotel, go to the reservation for which you want to create an invoice and click ‘Invoice’.


    Step 2: Next, a window will open where can you fill in all the invoicing details. When you're done, click ‘Create an Invoice’.


    Step 3: You will now get a notification that your invoice was created successfully. Next to the Mini Hotel invoice number you will see the Billit invoice number. A green check indicates that the invoice was correctly sent to Billit. If it wasn't, you will get an error message.


    Step 4: The ‘More options’ button allows you to, if necessary, show the invoice in PDF format so you can print it or immediately send it via email.


    In this view, Mini Hotel will use the layout you set up in Billit.


    Via the same ‘More options’ button you can also create a credit note.

    Step 5: Now open Billit and go to ‘Invoices’ or ‘Credit notes’, where your document will be ready. After checking it, you can click the  ‘Send’ button.

    Step 6: If your customer is connected to the Peppol network you can now choose ‘Send via Peppol’. If both you and your customer are registered on the SDI network, you will see the option ‘Send via SDI’.

    Also read: Invoicing with Billit via SDI