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QR codes

A QR code is an image consisting of a unique combination of square blocks. You can read the QR code with a QR code scanner (which is now standardly built into the camera function of your smartphone). When you scan the code, you are redirected to an online location (e.g., a website). You can also use a QR code to link to a payment method or to transmit all the data for a payment without having to type it in.

In Billit, you will find three types of QR codes:

  • Mollie QR code

    Activate the Mollie integration to place a Mollie QR code on your invoice. Your customers can pay your invoice by scanning the QR code. They will then be directed to a payment page where they can settle your invoice using a payment method of their choice. The QR code cannot be scanned directly with a banking app but redirects to a payment page. There, your customer can choose from various payment methods such as Mastercard, Visa, and Bancontact. To use the Mollie integration, you must be a customer of Mollie as a business.