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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

User settings

  • Adding an existing user to a file

    You can add a new user to a file  by clicking the tab 'Users' in the menu 'settings'. Click 'Add' in the top right corner. Every additional Billit user is 5 euros extra per month. 

    Fill in the email address at the top. You can now assign rights to the user. Move a switch to the left to disable that right. If you do not change any of the switches the user will have all rights. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

    After you save the email address, there are two options. If the user with this email address is already known in Billit and linked to another file, a message 'link request is sent to...' will appear at the top. If the user now logs in or refreshes Billit, they will see a pop-up with a link request. The user must click 'link' to access the file, or 'cancel' to decline. If he confirms, he will have immediate access to the new file. Please note: until the user has accepted the request, he will not be displayed in the userlist of the file.

    If the email address is not already known in Billit, this user will receive an email with credentials and a request to log in to Billit. After he logs in for the first time, he gets access to the file.