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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Adding customers

  • Adding a customer

    Go to the 'Customers' menu and click on 'Add'. This opens the customer form where you can enter your customer's details.

    At the top, indicate whether it is a company or an individual customer. By default, you will see the simplified customer form, and using the slider on the right ('advanced') reveals additional input fields.

    For international customers, change the country in the 'Billing Address' field.

    Enter the VAT number in the 'VAT or CBE' field or click on the plus sign to add another and/or additional company identification field.

    Depending on the country you are in, Billit retrieves available company information from the local VAT database where possible. (For Belgium, this is done through the KBO)

    CBE vs VAT number

    In the 'VAT or CBE', you can simply enter your client's VAT number (so the business number preceded by BE). Since this usually contains the same digits, Billit also immediately knows the CBE number.

    Does the VAT number differ from the CBE number? Click on the plus sign (visible only when the Advanced switch is turned on), then on 'CBE' and enter the CBE number that differs from the VAT number."