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Change a template layout

When you've chosen a template you will see the layout settings for this template below. It consists of a header - with the template name and margins above and below - and a layout screen.

You can change your invoice layout in different ways. The invoice layout always consists of three types of elements:

  • Images

    Apart from content and design elements you can also and images on your invoice template.

    Logo: To add your company logo to your invoice layout you first need to upload the logo in Billit. Do this by clicking the 'Settings' menu and 'General'. Upload the logo in the 'General' section by clicking 'Browse' and selecting the file from your computer. File types you can upload are: .png, .jpg, .jpeg and .tif. The recommended logo dimensions are: width: 400px and height: 200px.

    Background images: you can compare a background image to a letterhead. The image is shown across the background of your entire invoice page. Aside from .png, .jpg, .jpeg and .tif you can also add a PDG image. Make sure the dimensions of your background image are the same as an A4 page. In the fields 'Margin in mm' you can set a magin to push the content of your invoice up or down. This way, you can move the content of your invoice a bit higher or lower and keep the top or bottom of your background image visible.

    Loose images: you can also insert images in other areas of your layout. You can use the image button in the markup bar for this.

    After clicking this button you can enter the URL where the image can be found.

    If you don't have a server where you can upload images, you can first add the image as an attachment to your company file. Go to your company file and click 'Add' in the 'Attachments' section and select the image from your computer.

    When you've added the image to your company file you can copy the image URL by clicking, with the right mouse button, on the date when you uploaded the image and then clicking 'copy link location'. Next, you can paste the URL in the URL field of the pop-up that appears when you want to add a loose image to your invoice layout.

    • The last type of image you can add to your invoice is a product image. For this, you need to add images to your products first. You can find more info about adding images to a product here. Because the product images depend on the products that are on your invoice, you need to use keys. To add a key to your invoice you do the same as for text elements. Click in your invoice layout where you want the product image to appear and click the key for product images in the list on the right. The key for product images is $Line.image$.