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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Change a template layout

When you've chosen a template you will see the layout settings for this template below. It consists of a header - with the template name and margins above and below - and a layout screen.

You can change your invoice layout in different ways. The invoice layout always consists of three types of elements:

  • Keys for text and invoice dependant values

    The text and values on your invoices are displayed by so-called keys in your invoice layout. You can find them in the section 'Keys', on the right-hand side of your invoice layout. When you create an invoice the keys from the layout are replaced by the information that the key represents. There are two types of keys:

    • Label keys (category: ‘Label’):

    These keys replace words like 'Invoices', 'Address', 'Date'. Even though these words appear on each invoice, keys are still used to make sure the terms appear in the correct language on your invoice.

    • Content keys (categories: ‘Me’, ‘Customer’, ‘Order’ and ‘Line’):

    These elements differ from invoice to invoice and depend on the content of a certain invoice. Examples of content keys are: your customer data, the product price, an invoice date... 

    Billit collects the information that replaces the content keys from your company file, from the customer file of the customer you are invoicing or from the data you enter when creating an invoice.

    Example: instead of the key $Order.OrderNumber$ in your invoice layout the invoice number will be filled in. Instead of the key $Order.TotalIncl$ the total amount (incl. VAT) of your invoice will be filled in.

    You can determine which keys to add to your invoice layout. Keep in mind that it is legally mandatory to put certain information on an invoice. The default layout always contains all the legally mandatory keys.

    To add a key to your invoice layout first click in the template (on the left) where you want to put this key and then click the key you want to add (list of keys on the right). To remove a key select it with your cursor and remove it with the 'backspace' key.

    Aside from the fixed keys you can create your own keys to add to the invoice. These are based on the extra fields you created in your customer file. 

    Also read: Add extra fields in a customer file.

    When you've created an extra field, the key for that field will appear in list on the right under ‘Customers’.

    Some content keys also contain information that is normally fixed, such as your company's address. It is still useful to keep using the keys for this information as well. That way you don't have to change all your layout templates if your company should change address.