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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Change a template layout

When you've chosen a template you will see the layout settings for this template below. It consists of a header - with the template name and margins above and below - and a layout screen.

You can change your invoice layout in different ways. The invoice layout always consists of three types of elements:

  • Design elements

    Not only can you determine where and which content elements to put on your invoice, you can also change the design to your liking. This works similarly to text processing programs such as Word or Excel.

    • Text elements

    You can format these elements by selecting the text and using the text formatting functions in the f elementen kan je opmaken door de tekst te selecteren en gebruik te maken van de tekstopmaakfuncties in the markup bar at the top of your invoice layout. Just like in text processing programs you can put text in cursive, underline it, change the color and much more.

    • Tables

    You can format tables by clicking them with the right mouse button. Next, you can add or delete rows, cells or columns.

    You can also change the entire table settings by clicking the item 'table settings'. A window will appear where you can change the table settings.

    • Individual cells

    You can format individual cells by clicking them with the right mouse button and selecting 'cell properties' > 'cell'. A window will appear where you can enter the cell properties (such as width, margin and color).