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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Email settings

You can find all email settings by clicking on the 'Settings' menu and then selecting the 'General' submenu.

  • Sending from your own email address


    Whichever method you choose to send your emails from Billit, always ensure that the email address in your company profile is filled in and validated. When sending your first email, you will be asked to validate your email address. You can also do this later by clicking on the red exclamation mark in the upper right corner.

    By default, emails sent from Billit are sent from the email address 'email', where 'email' is replaced by the name from your profile. When a customer replies to an email sent from this address, you will receive the email at the address set in your profile. Attention: Billit will send emails by default to the address specified in your profile. Therefore, make sure to verify that it is correct.

    Would you prefer emails to be sent from your own email address? (e.g., That's possible. Billit offers two options for sending emails from your own address:

    • Imitating your own email address:
      Contact your website administrator and ask them to add the SPF record (v=spf1 to your DNS record. If you already have a DNS record, add just after "v=spf1". Note: it may take some time for SPF to be set up.
    • Sending via your own email server:
      To send emails via your own email server, you need to configure it through Settings. Click on the 'Settings' menu and then select the 'General' submenu. Scroll down and fill in the 'Send from your own email address' field with the details of your SMTP server. Don't forget to re-enter this information if you make any changes to your mail server settings, such as your password. Don't know the SMTP server for your email address? Visit and enter your hostname (everything after the @). You will find your email server under 'Mail exchanger'. If you have an email address from iCloud, Gmail, or Office365, check the FAQ at the bottom of this page for any additional steps you may need to take.