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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.


  • How can I terminate or change my Billit license and/or account?

    If you no longer wish to use Billit or want to adjust your license, you can do this yourself through the 'License' submenu in the 'Settings' menu.

    Adjust License (= switch to another paid license)

    To adjust your paid license, follow the steps below:

    • Change your license via 'Settings' > 'License'
    • If you have chosen a cheaper license, your license will automatically change to the newly chosen license after the current (already paid) license period expires.
    • If you have opted for a more expensive license, you will receive an invoice for the difference between your current license and the new one, and you will immediately have access to the volume of the new license.

    Delete Account/File/Profile

    If you want to delete your account then follow these steps:

    • Deactivate all active integrations via 'Settings' > 'Integrations'
    • Contact Support through the help button in the platform and request the deletion of your account
    • After the current (already paid) license period expires, your entire account will be deleted. Until then, you can continue to use all features.

    Attention: Don't forget to inform your accountant when you delete your Billit account.


    *Billit reserves the right to delete deactivated accounts after a certain period.