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Order forms

  • Having your customers sign order forms online

    There are two ways to have your customer sign your order forms via Billit. You can have the customer sign the order form in Billit, or you can send a link in an email, that allows your customer to digitally sign the order form. By default, the signature is placed at the bottom left of the order form, but by adding a key to the layout template of your order form, you can also place it at another location.

    • Option 1: digital signatures in Billit

    To have an order form signed digitally in Billit, create the order form by clicking the ‘Quotations’ submenu in the ‘Income’ menu. Click ‘Add’ to create a new order form. Next, click 'Create order form'.

    Once the order form has been created, click the ‘Sign order form’ button.

    The entry field for signing the order form will be shown.

    • Option 2: send a link to digitally sign the order form

    To send a link for your customer to sign the order form along with your order form, you must add the ‘Sign order form’ button to the accompanying e-mail. You can add the button to an existing template or create a new template in which the button is automatically integrated.

    Go to the ‘Corporate style’ submenu in ‘Settings’ and select ‘Letter for order form’. Add the ‘Sign order form’ button to an existing cover letter by clicking on the template of your choice to add the button anywhere you want in the template {32}.

    When you a create a new template, the ‘Sign order form’ button will be automatically included in the template.

    Once the button is added, it will be displayed in the e-mail that accompanies the order form. Your customer can sign the order form by clicking the button and entering their signature in the field that appears.

    • Placement of the signature on the order form

    Your customer's signature is automatically placed at the bottom left of the order form. If you would rather have it elsewhere on your order form, you can include the key $Order.Signature$ in the layout template of your order form. After your customer has signed the order form, their signature will be placed where you placed the key in the template. More info on the use of keys and layout templates can be found in the help article about the lay-outtemplates.