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Periodic invoicing

  • Creating a periodic invoice
    • 1. Create an invoice template

    Go to ‘Income’ in Billit and click ‘Periodic invoices’. Click 'add' to create a new template which will be the basis for the periodic invoices.

    • 2. Set the frequency

    Set the start and end dates of the invoicing period in the fields 'Start on' and 'Ends on'. Choose the frequency with which the invoice should be sent and choose how many times the invoice should be sent by filling in the field 'every'.

    If you choose 'Month' as frequency and you fill in 2 under 'Every' then your invoice will be sent every 2 months starting from the date indicated in the field 'Start on'. If you choose 'On request' under 'frequency the invoice will not be sent but you can send the template at a later time.

    • 3. Set the dynamic parameters

    The invoice line works with dynamic parameters. They are filled in on the invoice based on the key in the table below.

    Parameter Meaning
    [start] The invoice creation date
    [start+1m] The invoice creation date + 1 month
    [start-1d] Invoice creation date -1 day
    [start+1d] Invoice creation date + 1 day
    [end] Creation date + 1 time set frequency
    [end+1m] Creation date + 1 time set frequency + 1 month
    [end+1m-1d] Creation date + 1 time the set frequency + 1 month - 1 day
    [previous] Creation date - 1 time the set frequency
    [vorig+1d] Creation date - 1 time the set frequency + 1 day
    [start:MM] Month (on the order line, only the month to be invoiced is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)
    [start:yyyy] Year (on the order line, only the year for which is billed is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)
    [start:MM/yyyy] Month/Year (on the order line, only the month for which invoicing is done (in month/year format) is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)
    [start:yyyy/MM] Year/Month (on the order line, only the month for which is billed (in the form year/month) is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)
    [start+1M:MM] Month following invoice creation date (on the order line, only the month to be invoiced is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)
    [start+1M:yyyy] Year following the creation date of the invoice (on the order line, only the year for which the invoice is issued is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)
    [start+1M:MM/yyyy] Month/Year following the creation date of the invoice (on the order line, only the month to be invoiced (in month/year format) is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)
    [start+1M:yyyy/MM] Year/Month following the creation date of the invoice (on the order line, only the month for which it is invoiced (in year/month format) is displayed instead of a 'from' - 'to' period)

    In the following example ‘Start on:’ is set to 01/06/2024 and ‘Ends on:’ to 01/08/2030. The frequency is set for every month. In the invoice line the  parameters [START] - [END] are filled in. This means that start date for  the invoiced period is the date under 'Start on'. The end date is a month later (because the frequency is set for every month). Until the date under 'Ends on' an invoice will be sent monthly (starting from the date under 'Start from') on the same day of the month. The start and end date of the invoiced period will appear on the invoice line.

    Please note: if you choose the last day of the month as start date the day will vary per month. For a monthly frequency, an invoice in April will be sent on 30th April and in May on 31st May. For all other days of the month the frequency will be added to the start date. A periodic invoice with 4th March as start date and 1 month as frequency will be sent next on 4th April.

    By using other dynamic parameters you can also invoice for other periods. You can find some examples of the different parameters below:

    • Example 1: The date 31/05/2020 is filled in under “Start on:” and 31/07/2021 under "Ends on". The frequency is set for every month.
    In the template After creating invoice Explanation
    Period [previous+1d] - [start] Period 01/05/2020 until 31/05/2021 You want to invoice on the last day of the month with the past month as the period. The first invoice is sent on 31/05/2020. The invoice will be sent until 31/07/2021.
    • Example 2: The date 31/05/2020 is filled in under “Start on:” the date staat 31/07/2021is filled in under “Ends on:”. The frequency is set for every month.
    In the template After creating invoice Explanation
    Period [start] - [end] Period 31/05/2020 until 30/06/2020 The invoice is sent on the last day of each month for the period starting on the last day of the month to the last day of the following month. The first invoice will be sent on 31/05/2020, the last on 31/07/2021.
    • Example 3: The date 01/06/2020 is filled in under “Start on:”the date 31/07/2021 is filled in under “Ends on:”. The frequency is set for every week.
    In the template After creating invoice Explanation
    Period [previous] - [start-1d] Period 25/05/2020 until 31/05/2020 The invoice is sent every Monday with the previous week as the period. The first invoice is sent on 01/06/2020, the last on 26/07/2021 (because that is the last Monday that falls within the period in which you want to send periodic invoices).
    • 4. Save the template

    After setting the invoice date and period you can click on:

    Save: The template is saved. When 'Send automatically to customer' is checked the first invoice will be sent on the set date. If not, the invoice will be kept as draft in the income list until you save it and the checkbox is ticked.

    Save and back: The template is saved. When 'Send automatically to customer' is checked the first invoice will be sent on the set date. If not, the invoice will be kept as draft in the income list until you save it and the checkbox is ticked. Next, you will return to the overview of your periodic invoices.

    Save and new: The template is saved. When 'Send automatically to customer' is checked the first invoice will be sent on the set date. If not, the invoice will be kept as draft in the income list until you save it and the checkbox is ticked. Next, an empty template will appear and you can create a new periodic invoice.

    Please note: when you save the invoice and don't tick the box 'Send automatically to customer' the invoice will only be saved as draft in the 'Income' list. If you checked the box before saving, a checkmark will appear in 'Sent' box in the top right corner of your template and the first invoice is already sent (after the start date has passed).

    You can also set if you want to add an attachment and you will see an action history of your template.