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In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.

Bank tab

In this tab you can enter the bank accounts you want to link with Billit. With this conection, Billit has up-to-date information which can trigger automatic reminders but it is also used as a basis for the financial overview on the dashboard.

  • Link your ING bank account(s) via Billbank CODA (Free) BE ONLY

    Billit and ING

    The advantage of the CODA connection with ING for ING Business'Bank accounts is that both your bank transactions are automatically imported, and the payment files generated in Billit will also appear automatically in your ING banking environment. You won't need an ING Business'Bank Premium subscription anymore to import your bank transactions. As Billit and ING have an agreement, a regular ING Business'Bank account is allready sufficient.

    • Step 1: Enter your bank account number

    Open your company profile by clicking ‘My company’ in Billit at the top left of your screen. Then in your company profile, click on the ‘Bank’ tab and click ‘Add’ to add an account number. Don’t forget to click ‘Save' after entering your bank account number.

    • Step 2: Request the mandate from ING that Billit will use to request digital bank transactions

    In the ‘CODA’ column, click ‘Connect’ to link your bank account via Billbank/ING. When you click on ‘Connect’ you will be redirected to Connective. There, you can digitally sign the mandate that Billit will use to retrieve your transactions. Did you open the link but not immediately sign the mandate? If so, the message ‘Sign document’ will appear next to your bank account number. When you click on this, you will be redirected to the Connective website again to sign the document.

    • Step 3: Verify your bank account

    Once you have signed the mandate, a pop-up will open asking you to verify your bank account. You do this by transferring €0.01, using the unique code you receive in the verification window as the reference. Until your bank account is verified, the message ‘Mandate requested, your bank account is not yet linked’ is shown next to your bank account number. Clicking on this message will display the verification window with the unique code you need to verify your account. Once your bank account is verified, a green check mark will appear next to your bank account number. This means that the account has been successfully linked and your digital bank transactions will automatically be imported into Billit every morning as soon as we receive them from ING. After making this connection all payment files generated for this bank account will automatically be imported in your online banking software.

    • FAQ's about the Billbank ING connection

    Q: I want to connect a savings account with Billit but I can't verify it because I can't make a transfer.
    A: In that case you can contact to arrange the verification via our backoffice. Make sure to send us your RIB certificate (= account identification certificate) which you can request from your bank. This certificate should at least the following data:
    - Bank account number and BIC code 
    - Name, first name and address of the account holder
    - Date on which the account was opened
    - Certificate print date
    - An authentication code (to authenticate the certificate)

    Q: I verified an account but the connection is not yet active. What now?
    A: As soon as your (bank(s) start sharing digital bank statements with Billit via the verified connection, the details will become visible in the Bank menu and the connection is activated. The check mark will turn green as soon as the first CODA file is received. Depending on how long it takes for your bank to process your reuqest, this can take a while. If it takes longer than 7 days we advise you to contact your bank.

    Q: Do I need a Business'Bank Premium or Business'Bank subscription?
    A: You can use an ING Business’Bank subscription in combination with Billit. The Premium is not necessary because Billit and ING have an agreement so Billit users can use Premium functions without the additional 8.00 EUR per month.