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Approving costs in Fast Input

  • Settings for approving costs
    • Remember approver 

    You can indicate by whom and how often an expense should be approved.

    Remember last (default): Billit remembers the users you selected from the last expense (any supplier). 

    • Remember per supplier: Billit always remembers the users you selected when importing the last expense for this supplier.

    • Never: Preferences are not stored. If this option is enabled, you'll need to indicate for each import which users should approve the expense.

    • Block invoices if there is no approver

    You can also indicate in this section whether an invoice should be blocked in Fast Input if no approver is selected. This way you never forget to designate a user to approve the expense.

    After activating this option, a new line will appear per user when you import an invoice in Fast input. Tick the checkbox next to each user who should approve an expense.

    You will now see an additional 'approved' column appear in your expenses overview. 

    Here you will see whether:

    • the invoice still has to be approved (with an hourglass)
    • the invoice has been approved (green tick)
    • the invoice was rejected (red cross)
    • Only export approved invoices 

    With the last option, you can indicate that invoices can only be exported after they have been approved. Do you have a link with your accountant? Then he or she gets a message that not all invoices have been exported. Are you not connected? Then the unapproved invoices will not be included in the list that you can mail/export via the 'Accountant' menu. Unapproved invoices can still be downloaded as UBL when this option is selected.