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Help articles

In this section of the Billit website, you will find manuals and explanations about all the features in Billit. You can find help articles using the search function or through the menu structure on the left which follows the menu-structure in Billit.


  • How to create a new or extra company file

    There are several reasons to create a new or additional file:

    • you have several businesses.
    • you have several departments and would like a file for each division.
    • Your business is discontinued and you are starting a new one.

    Each file (and therefore each company) needs its own licence. If you want to manage several companies in Billit (and add them via the menu in the top left-hand corner), you also need to create several files and choose a licence per file. You can only have one VAT or company number per file.

    Do you want to open a separate file for the different departments in your company? You will need to choose a licence for each file. This means you will have different files (e.g. for each department) with the same VAT number and you will pay per file for the licence you have chosen.

    It is not possible to change the VAT number (or company number) of an existing file. After invoices have been created in a file, no invoices for another VAT or company number may end up in that file and the corresponding bookkeeping. If for some reason your company changes its VAT or company number, the invoices for this new VAT or company number must end up in new books. Thus, when the VAT or company number changes, you must open a new file with the new VAT or company number.

    Contact our support, in time so we can correctly deactivate your account.

    When switching to a new file or opening an additional one, you can export your customer, supplier and product lists from the old file and import them into the new one. You can also keep the layout templates you created and import them into the new file.

    Click the + icon next to your company name in the top left corner to create a new file.